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7 things schools need to know about Consent to be GDPR-compliant

Under the GDPR, there are six lawful bases for processing data, one of which is consent – schools must be able to justify their processing with at least one of these bases. This guidance outlines the key information schools need to know to ensure their consent procedures are compliant with the GDPR. 7 things schools […]

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Tell us your story! #mySchoolAppStories

School photo day – don’t we all do our best to make sure our little darlings look neat for at least one day?

Clean shirt (maybe even a new one if you’re super-organised!). Lovely ironed uniform, hair brushed into submission, or tied up in a style that will manage to hold until after break, because somebody thought it would be a good idea to book the reception class in for their photos after they’d been running around outside in the mud!

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